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SeasonX Part 3. Extend the duration of cash items


Cash item period extension

1. Cash item period extension
① The in-game shop buff type cash item usage period can be extended up to 50 days.
     - Only cash items used directly from the in-game shop storage box are applicable. (Scrolls/Seals)
     - Items used in the inventory are not extended. (Talisman of Ascension/Transformation Ring/Necklace, etc.)

② How to extend the period
     - Just use the same cash product in the storage box.
     - The existing remaining period + the used product period are added up, and you can check the remaining period in the tooltip.

2. Extension deadline
① It can be extended up to 50 days.
② There is no limit to the number of extensions .
3. Period extension indication 

① You can extend the usage period of in-game shop buffs and cash items.

4. Use of Seal of Rise ① Seal of General Rise / Seal of Master Level Rise    - Period extension is possible only for the same product.     - If you level up to the master level and use the Seal of Mare Level Up while using the Seal of Normal Rise,        , the same as the existing setting .     -  The periods of the general increase seal and the Mare level increase seal do not add up, so       when extending the period, please check the character's level and experience points before using.